What is hard? everything.
Keeping this blog up to date is hard. I really wanted to keep this blog a daily thing, or at least a few times a week, but lately it's been more like a bi-weekly thing. I'll do better....I'll try to do better. Sometimes it is easier to just not write my thoughts, especially the negative ones. But, this is my journey and I do want to keep track of it, both the good and the bad.
Jogging is hard. But I am enjoying it. Most of the time. I still have the pain in my calf muscles, but I have learned how to manage it and keep it to a minimum as much as possible. Today a jogged another 5K just to see if I could. I jogged for 4 minutes and walked for 1 minute. I was pleasantly surprised that I could do it as easily as I did...even if I am slow. 41 minutes is better than not at all. The real Race day is coming up in a little more than 3 weeks. I was getting doubtful these past few days, that I'd even be able to do it. That is why I ran the extra bit this morning to make it a full 5K, I needed to know that I could do it with out dying. And I can, so I'm happy with that. I don't have any plans to be the one to come in first, or second, or even tenth. I just want to do it. To prove to myself that I can and then to simple say that I did.
Finding time to do all the strength training that I should is hard. I had planned to do it when I get home from my jog, but often as soon as I get home and get stretched the kids have swarmed around me and need me to feed them or do this or do that and so it gets put off and then most of the time it doesn't get done....I probably should be doing it right now, but instead I am using my free moments to make this post.
Losing weight is hard. Finally when I stepped on the scale last week I saw the numbers move. From 245 to 242. I didn't dare hope that it was real so I didn't record it. But then again this morning when I stepped on the scale it read 241.4. Oh blessed day. I really hope this is for real, that I am starting to see the weight come off. I am so tired of that number...stupid 245. I've been there for way too long, in spite of all my efforts. Do I dare hope that I'll continue to see that number drop over the rest of the summer?