Friday, February 10, 2012


Why can't I get up in the morning??? Oh wait, it's because I don't go to bed until after midnight. I'm a night owl and so is my husband. So even when I try to get to bed early, he interrupts things. Bah. One day I'll figure it out. But on the up side of things, I've still been able to get a work out in after the older kids go to school. I've just made it a priority and get it done. So the dishes don't get done, or the bread doesn't get made, or the clothes do get folded. But I get in a 20-40min work out and I feel great. So I guess that's what matters most right now. Speaking of which, I must go do a work out right now.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

one week

One week in to my new plan, and so far I'm doing pretty good. I haven't done so great at getting up at 6am, but I've committed to doing my work out as soon as the kids head off to school on the mornings that I didn't get up. So far so good. I'm feeling good too. When I started a week ago the scale read 256lbs(back to the beginning for me) today it says 252lbs. Progress. Lets hope it keeps going like this for awhile.