Saturday, April 30, 2011


I was so going to die this morning. Today's training was to walk for 3 minute and jog for 2 minutes and repeat 6 times. OH. MY. WORD.  I can't tell you how hard that was.....and how incredibly slow I am. I have no idea how I am ever going to be able to accomplish next weeks training. Next week I am supposed to run more than I walk. Hahahaha....really? Oh boy. Monday I will attempt to walk for 2 minutes and jog for 2.5 minutes and repeat 5 times. Even if I do make it through, it will likely be at a snails pace. Better that than not at all I guess. But I would like to get faster...but that is likely to completely do me in at this point. I think I'll take a week or so in between this program and the jogging program to just repeat the last week of this program and work on getting faster. Does that make any sense??? Whatever, I think I know what I am talking about.
In other news, I got some superfeet insoles and I started strength training on Thursday. I really hope this helps prevent my achy knees and shins. I don't want something like that to be the cause of me not being able to reach my goal of running a 5K race this summer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Three weeks into the 5K your way training program and I haven't lost a single pound. NOT ONE! Are you kidding me? What the heck am I doing wrong? It is a really good thing that I have another goal in mind besides just losing the weight, because at this point I start to feel like everything I am doing isn't even making a difference so why am I putting myself through it? If I do nothing and stay the same weight or I work my butt off and I still stay the same weight, I might as well be doing nothing. OK, so that isn't the best logic, but it is how I start to feel when the I can't get those numbers to budge. Yes, the other day I posted about my new jeans and the three quarters of an inch that I have lost on my waist and hips, but seriously, why aren't those numbers on the scale moving? I'm sick and tired of this. I just want to see results. Like I said, it is a good thing that I have another goal I am working towards. I won't quit until I have run that 5K on Bonanza Day on July 30th, and hopefully even then I'll want to keep it up, maybe I'll start training for something bigger. If I continue to have something other than losing this weight to work for, maybe I can keep myself going regardless of what the scale says.


Wow! I thought I was going to die this morning with my first jogging steps. First of all it was super hard to get myself out of bed, and then I couldn't stop yawning all the way to the track. My knees and shins are starting to ache. I'm not sure if it is my shoes, my weight, or that maybe I just need to add some strength training on a regular basis. Maybe it's a combination of it all. Since my weight is an issue that is going to take some time, I figure I can easily address the other two. My hubby suggested that before I invest $$ into a new pair of runners when mine are less than a year old, that maybe all I need are some "superfeet" insoles. He swears by them. So, I'll make some time to go to Lethbridge and stop by his work to get fitted up for some. Today I started a strength training program. I've always had a hard time making extra time to do strength training. But now that I am getting up earlier in the morning to go jogging, I figure that I should easily be able to add an extra 15 minutes of strength training in too. We'll see if this makes a difference.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some Success

OK, so the scale may not be my friend. But there is no denying that I have had some success when I see this.
So, I'll just keep working away, doing what I am doing, and one day when I step on that scale, the numbers will be different.

5K-W3-D1 (and W2-D3)

I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to do the required jogging for today(walk 3min, jog 2min 5 times). I struggled with Day 3 last week(walk 3min, jog 1.5min 6 times). It was hard and I was slow. Today wasn't much different. But I was surprised that it didn't seem any harder than Day 3 last week and by the end of it, I was feeling pretty good. I'm really enjoying doing this. It's a great challenge and I am really looking forward to the rewarding experience of running a full 5K in the summer. I'm going to splurge on some really good shoes so I don't completely destroy my knees. I bought some pretty good shoes last year, but I'm thinking I need to get a little higher end shoe if I am really going to have success at this. So when I head to Spokane later in May, I'll see what I can find.