Thursday, September 11, 2014

just getting started

Yesterday morning when I stepped on the scale it read 258.2lbs. This morning it read 256.2lbs. I like the looks of that. I have been making smoothies for breakfast and eating either eggs or sausages for a protein. I've been trying to eat mostly veggies at lunch and for dinner I'm just eating what I've always eaten. The next thing I need to do is work in some regular exercise. Which means getting to bed sooner so I can get up early. The going to bed early is the hardest part.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Summer is gone...time to get in the groove

Alright, well so much for summer. Totally fell off the wagon, but last I checked I'm still sitting around the 260 mark. Time to get my but in gear and make some changes. To start Jakki Harty has challenged me to lose 10lbs by Oct 10. I'm not sure how reasonable that is, but I think I'll take her up on the challenge. To change things up a bit, she suggested that maybe I cut out carbs for breakfast. That will certainly change things up as I always eat a high fiber cereal for breakfast. So I have to start re thinking breakfast and see if maybe that will be enough to jump start my body into losing some of this weight. I think I'll even try to keep away from carbs for lunch and just allow myself to eat them for supper. I think I can do that. As for exercise I haven't yet figured that out entirely. Donna McLachlan and I want to start working out together a couple of times a week. And I think realistically I will need to just start getting up in the mornings before sending kids off to school. I can do these things! But I need to do some grocery shopping to get me all set up to cut back on my carbs.