Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 156

A crappy day today. One of Kathryn's classmates passed away last night. And that just sucks.

Today the scale read 258lbs. Yesterday it read 257.4lbs. It's nice to see those numbers. But today, I just don't care.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 153

So this getting up in the morning and walking thing hasn't really been going all that great. But I continue to try to track my food. Even if I don't I have been very mindful  of what I am eating. And the efforts seem to be paying off. Over the weekend the scale dipped to 257lbs. But this morning it was back at 258.6lbs. But I'm OK with that. Summer is coming, and I am so excited! Camping and outdoor fun galore. I was planning the camping menu today. I'm going to have to be careful and try not to indulge too much on the treats so as not to set myself back too far. I think I can do it. I'm liking the direction the scale is going too much to mess this up badly now.