Wednesday, May 4, 2011


OUCH! Holy guacamole! I hurt today. I spent the day on Monday doing some fairly heavy duty yard work and moving quite a few good sized rocks around my yard. I sure felt it yesterday and even more today as I slowly made my way around the track. I was very slow today, but I got it done and will be moving on.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I SURVIVED! And not only did I survive, but it was absolutely amazing! What a feeling. I honestly didn't think that I would be able to complete today's training(walk for 2 minutes/jog for 2.5 minutes). Last week it was tough enough to finish 2 minutes of jogging...adding another 30 seconds seemed impossible. But I did it! And I didn't die! AND I look forward to doing it again! If it feels this amazing to accomplish this small feat, I can't wait for race day! It should be an incredible day!

I found a few articles on that should help with my achy knees. I was excited to find "11 exercises to decrease knee pain" and "6 stretches every runner should know". I've added these to my stretching and strength training routines. I also read an article about running technique, so today I was conscious about working on these techniques to improve my running experience. For more running info, sparkpeople has so much more here. I look forward to reading more and learning more. I feeling like I can really do this now that I am finding some answers and possible solutions.