Thursday, April 23, 2015


I wanted to quit today. During my 5th interval I wanted to be done. But then all these positive thoughts and sayings from the work out videos I've been doing with some other sisters on Tuesday and Thursday nights started popping into my head.  Sayings like "The only person you are cheating on is yourself" or "You wanted to work, so work" or "You are doing great, you are going to feel so good when you are done" and "You can do anything you want", and with all these thoughts going through my brain, I pushed on through the last interval even though I felt exhausted. It was nice to have all those voices from my "personal trainers" in my head cheering me on.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Beautiful morning for a run. Today I was able to pick up my pace. I could complete a lap around the track in 3 minutes. The times before I have always been just a bit shy of a lap. But today I really tried to pick up my pace and sometimes I even continued on a few paces past the lap mark before the 3 minutes was up. Most of the time I felt like I was not going to make it and wanted to just stop, but each lap I made it to the lap marker and beyond. I walked for a minute and a half in between each lap and at first that was just barely enough time to recover, but then as the laps went by it was just a little longer than I needed to recover. Feeling good about it all. Now if only I could start losing weight instead of gaining. I've put on more than 10 pounds since the middle of February and that really sucks because it took FOREVER to lose those 10 pounds.