Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 58

both yesterday morning and today the scale read 264.2lbs.
Yesterday I had three sick kids at home, so we all watched Monsters University instead of doing a work out. I've had two long sleepless nights with a feverish boy, so today I don't much feel like doing a work out now that Ella is napping. all I want to do is nap too. what to do, what to do....
later that day...
Alright, so I sucked it up, and finished up with my pity party, and then got my butt in gear and did a work out. I know, I know, I'm such a good girl.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 56 - Mmmm chocolate!

The scale read 263.2lbs this morning. good.

I started using a cocoa and cornstarch mixture as a dry shampoo. It works great, the only problem is that when I am working out, I can smell brownies the entire time leaving me craving the delicious treat. Hmm...rough life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

day 55

weighed in at 263.6lbs this morning at 7:30. That number seems to be showing up more frequently. So that makes me happy.

This morning I just didn't want to do a work out at all. But I did it anyway and now that it is done, of course I am glad that I did it. I guess that is one thing about this challenge, even if I am not seeing the results that I would like to see on the scale, I like how I feel after I've done my work out for the day. I have a good variety of  DVDs and a good variety of types of work outs so I'm not getting bored with them. That keeps me going. I do however look forward to spring so we can move some of our work outs to the beautiful outdoors. Kathryn and I want to start riding our bikes and walking/jogging our 5km route around town. Oh that will be so nice! But as it looks today, that is a far way off yet. We just got a bunch more snow and the temp has been well below -20C. The forecast looks hopeful will the temperatures reaching above 0C by the end of the week and into the following week. There is hope.

see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 54

Scale read 265.4lbs this morning at 8:30am.

nothing really to report today. just trying to be positive about this whole thing. something's gotta give eventually. right?

see you tomorrow.