Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 30 - a third of the way there

Scale read 264.8lbs this morning at 8. This is good. Maybe I have got over that hump and it's now time to see the results.

Today is measurement day.

Bust 50.5
arm 14.25
Waist 50.5
hip 53.5
thigh 29.75
calf 16.25

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 29 - going down down down

Scale read 265.8 at 10am this morning. This is good. Did two work out videos today. felt great.

see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 28 - Up and at 'em

Got up this morning at 6am like a good girl and got in a work out with both Kathryn and Tansley. A little crowded in the living room, but it was good. not much else to report.

scale read 266.0 at 6am this morning.  I guess that's all there is to say today.

see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 27

268.2lbs....numbers are going in the wrong direction. But I did eat too many off limit food this weekend and I am going through my first menstrual cycle since Ella was born. So I won't take it too hard. Just get back to work.

It was a hard day today. I have this massive headache again. This cold I have is really kicking my but. I was so tired this morning that I just slept on the living room floor while Ella napped and James watched a movie. I was hoping to sleep off the headache, but it was still there when I woke up. Finally when Ella laid down for her afternoon nap I got dressed in my work out gear and got to work. I felt pretty good while exercising, a little sluggish, but I didn't notice the headache at all. Now that I am done, and writing this post it's back again, same as before. Oh well, hopefully this stupid cold will go away soon.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 26 - Quarter of the way in

So just like that I'm a quarter of the way into this thing. Scale read 266.6lbs this morning. Didn't do anything on the weekend again. And didn't do any work out today. It was an off day. The kids were out of school and Daniel was home from work, so we spent the day cleaning the house and garage. Lots got done, just not the work out. We went in to Lethbridge for a movie and swimming. Now it's nearly 11pm and a work out just isn't going to happen.  I think that I'll plan on doing two videos tomorrow morning and maybe try and do that every Tuesday and Thursday while Ella is napping. I usually have the time to do it, so I might as well. But I'll have to just play it by ear, with the kids and all, it's not always very predictable. I better at least do some pushups today. 18 if I can, since it's time to add two.